Posts Tagged ‘mythbusters’

Some of us are old enough to remember when homeschooling in America was illegal, and for that matter, unheard of.   Even private Christian schools were under great pressure from local and state governments to conform to stringent regulations.  In view of such oppression, homeschooling looked like an impossible dream—an unreachable star.  But in the 1980s some brave parents ventured out on a limb to pioneer this epic undertaking in the face of strong opposition in high places.

Necessity is not only the mother of invention; it is the mother of desperation.  Some parents hit the panic button.  Others caught a vision.  The public school system was going down hill, academically, morally, and spiritually.  It still is.  Public school mediocrity is feeding the homeschool movement, which  is growing in numbers, experience, and quality.

The record shows that the accusations of its critics are collapsing like a house of cards.  On average, homeschooled students are running rings around their public “educated” counterparts.  Now, who’s hitting the panic button?  The worm is turning, but the opposition is rising once again!

MYTH popular with the governing class and recently parroted by Attorney General Eric Holder holds that a law banning homeschooling entirely would violate no fundamental liberties.

Alert!  Homeschooling families are again in danger, not only in Sweden and Germany, but right here in America.  Attorney General Eric Holder has stated that a law that bans homeschooling entirely violates no fundamental liberties.

Michael Farris, Founder and chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association, has taken the case of the Romeike family (a German homeschooling family who fled to the United States for political asylum).  He is opposing  Holder’s attempt to deport them back to German oppression, where they face criminal prosecution with fines, jail sentences, and removal of the custody their of children.

May we ask you, Mr. Attorney General, whatever happened to that open invitation to those seeking political asylum at the foot of the Statue of Liberty penned by Emma Lazarus: “GIVE ME YOUR TIRED, YOUR POOR, YOUR HUDDLED MASSES YEARNING TO BREATHE FREE”

Read the Article  (or copy and paste to your browser).

Trivium Pursuit

It has been over a century and a half since America turned away from the classical trivium and followed John Dewey down the dead-end road to Progressive Education. It is no exaggeration to state that this radical experiment has brought us by degrees to the brink of cultural destruction.

There have been voices of dissent along the way. Among these was Dorothy Sayers, a colleague of C.S. Lewis and J.R. Tolkien at Oxford. In 1948 she penned an essay entitled “The Lost Tools of Learning”, which called for a return to the ancient trivium model of education.

In 1991 that essay became the inspiration for a book by Pastor Doug Wilson entitled “Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning.” That book in turn spawned the Association of Classical and Christian Schools, which has prospered under the steady hand of its Executive Director, Patch Blakey. Patch laid bare his vision for education in a recent interview with MythBusters.

1. We’ve heard a lot about the Trivium in recent years, Patch. What is the Trivium? Is that a biblical concept?

ACCS employs Dorothy Sayers’ version of the Trivium, which includes three aspects: grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric. These three stages not only define the tools of learning, they also are employed as the means of educating students consistent with their developmental stage of learning.

Pastor Randy Booth wrote an excellent essay entitled, “Borrowing the Truth” (available on the ACCS website, under Classis Archives 1997), in which he states, “Our primary concern should be: is it biblical? The Scriptures are our only rule of faith and life, not the Greeks or modern pedagogues. All truth claims must pass the biblical standard…I believe the trivium model of learning passes the test, as far as it goes. The Greeks did not start or end with the fear of God–they therefore ended in failure. Nevertheless, they did get part of it right. The trivium model is comprised of three phases of learning: 1) grammar, 2) dialectic, and 3) rhetoric. These are but new labels for the biblical concepts of: 1) knowledge, 2) understanding, and 3) wisdom.”

2. That’s a very helpful explanation of the trivium, Patch. And thanks for sharing with us today. Can we start out by talking about the ACCS? What exactly is it, when and why was it founded?

Thank you, Dennis. It is a pleasure and a privilege to be interviewed by you, and to be able to talk with you about ACCS.

ACCS stands for the Association of Classical & Christian Schools. It was established in 1993, and is a 501 c(3) organization. ACCS grew out of the national response to a book published in 1991 entitled Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning by Douglas Wilson. This book described the educational philosophy instituted by Logos School in Moscow, Idaho – the philosophy being an attempt to follow the pattern set down by Dorothy Sayers in her essay The Lost Tools of Learning. The overwhelming response to the publication of this book made it apparent that an association would have to be formed to handle all the requests for help and information. The Association, formed in 1993, began to host national conferences, giving rise to even more interest, and has grown steadily since.

3. What do you mean by a classical, Christian education?

We address “Christian” first because we are first, and foremost, Christian schools. Our understanding of all things, including all things pertaining to education, is shaped by Christian truth. Thus, to acquire a sufficient understanding of classical education, one must first be able to view it from a Christian perspective. While in other ages and other times, the “Christian” in classical education was assumed, today it is not so. Given the present state of affairs, we believe it is important to clearly spell out the Christian presuppositions that underlie classical and Christian education and the trivium.

The ACCS Confession of Faith defines the scope and elements of Christian truth individuals or organizations must affirm to be considered for membership in the ACCS. We see no need to add a second definition here as the Confession is sufficient. However, we do want to emphasize certain principles inherent in the Confession of Faith as they relate to education.

God is the sovereign source of all being and truth. As a consequence, the principles by which believers live are squarely opposed to the principles by which unbelievers live. The Scriptures are clear that we are to bring “every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” Thus, to provide a God-centered and truly Christian education, it is necessary to break completely free from the educational philosophies that surround us. Christianity is an entire system of thought that shapes our perspective and interpretation of everything in the world. It requires that we present all ideas and concepts as part of a larger whole defined by Christian truth because there is no aspect of creation that does not reflect His glory and truth.

From its beginning, ACCS has advocated as its definition of “classical” the form of education that Miss Sayers described in her 1947 essay, The Lost Tools of Learning, and subsequently popularized in Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning by Douglas Wilson. Both of these authors advance the pedagogical methodology of the Trivium, which includes three aspects: grammar, logic, and rhetoric. Further, ACCS advocates, along with Miss Sayers and Mr. Wilson that children tend to grow through developmental stages that generally coincide with the three areas of the Trivium. The Poll-parrot stage in which young children like to memorize and chant various bits of information coincides with the grammar stage of the Trivium. As children grow into their pre- and early teens, they become more argumentative and questioning; this is called the Pert stage, and coincides with the dialectic aspect of the Trivium. In their mid to late teens, children seem to be more vocal and expressive; this is called the Poetic stage, and conforms to the area of rhetoric. Children that are taught with these developmental stages in mind are receiving an education using classical methodology: the trivium.

But there is another aspect to this, and that is to teach children their Western heritage through reading the great works of the West. These books provide the classical content. Such books are necessary to appreciate the arguments that have formed the way we think. This is so that our children can adequately provide the Christian antithesis to the humanistic arguments of our heritage that are still being advocated by our godless culture today.

Included in our definition of classical is instruction in either Latin or Greek. As Douglas Wilson points out in Repairing the Ruins, “About eighty percent of English comes from Latin and Greek, with over fifty percent of our vocabulary coming from the Latin.” Studying Latin helps a student understand grammar, helps them become more proficient at learning many modern languages (such as Spanish and French), and trains them “in the essentials of the scientific method — observation, comparison, and generalization.” Studying Greek does much the same and also helps equip student to read the New Testament in the original language.

ACCS recognizes that there are other definitions of what constitutes “classical” education which may have their strengths. Whereas ACCS is not necessarily antagonistic to these other definitions, it does not seek to embrace all of these other schools of thought. ACCS willingly acknowledges that it has a defined understanding of what constitutes a classical education and seeks to encourage that concept without apology.

4. How does the classical trivium approach differ from the typical Christian school education?

Sadly, many Christian schools simply follow the methods and content of the public schools, but add on a Bible class or a worship assembly to the school curriculum. If you were to ask a board member, administrator, or teacher at these schools what principles of education they followed in their classrooms and curriculum, I would surmise that many would not be able to provide a clear, concise and simple answer because they do not follow any specific principle of education from which their pedagogy follows. Classical Christian schools on the other hand, have clearly defined principles that they employ in the classroom that are consistent with the children’s level of development. ACCS schools also strive to have a fully integrated curriculum that begins with Christ as Lord in all subjects.

5. How about you – how did you get mixed up in all of this?

My education and experience equipped me to be a U.S. Navy Captain with 23 years of service. I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the U.S. Naval Academy, and a Master of Arts degree in National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College. I served as commanding officer of USS Patterson (FF1061) and my final tour of duty was as Engineer Officer on USS Enterprise (CVN 65). During my tour on Enterprise, I helped start a classical Christian school in Hampton, Virginia. My wife and I learned about classical Christian education from reading Douglas Wilson’s book, Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning, and decided that was the education we wanted for our children. Up until that time we had homeschooled or used private Christian schools to educate our children. I retired from the Navy so we could move to Moscow, Idaho, to enroll our children in Logos School. My first year in Moscow, I worked as a part-time janitor at Logos School where I learned of ACCS and their need for an executive director. Because of my administrative experience as an officer in the Navy, I applied for the position and, in the providence of God, was ultimately selected for the job in June 1996. I have been pleased to serve in that position since.

6. Are you saying that classical Christian education using the trivium is really just a return to the education of a former day? Where exactly did America get off the track educationally?

Yes and no. Yes, in the sense that the Trivium has been around for over the past 1500 years. However, if someone were to assert (as they have) that ACCS is not following the exact model of the Trivium employed in the Middle Ages, we would agree. Douglas Wilson gave an excellent talk on this topic at the ACCS conference in Austin in 2008, in which he affirms that ACCS uses the model of the Trivium with the added observations made by Dorothy Sayers in her essay, The Lost Tools of Learning. Douglas Wilson’s talk was entitled, “Defending Sayers’ Insights,” and may be obtained from

To answer the second half of the question, the simple response is that American schooling started veering away from its classical and Christian foundations in the 19th century with the establishment of the common schools. Many Christians were involved in the promotion and establishment of what has since become the public school system. However, there were some Christian leaders who clearly saw the threat that such a system posed. A.A. Hodge, the head of Princeton University late in the 19th century, made this observation with regard to the public school system, “I am as sure as I am of the fact of Christ’s reign that a comprehensive and centralized system of national education, separated from religion, as is now commonly proposed, will prove the most appalling enginery for the propagation of anti-Christian and atheistic unbelief, and of anti-social nihilistic ethics, individual, social and political, which this sin-rent world has ever seen.”

For more information on this subject, read Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning (Douglas Wilson) and The Messianic Character of American Education (R.J. Rushdoony).

7. Is there any biblical warrant for public education? What is the problem?

The Bible assigns the primary responsibility for the education of children to parents, and specifically to fathers. The education is mandated to be one in which the child receives a full-orbed, Christ-centered education, as is made clear by Moses (Deuteronomy 6:4-7), Paul (Ephesians 6:4), and of course, by Jesus Himself (Matthew 28:19-20).

John Milton Gregory, who wrote the book, The Seven Laws of Teaching, once stated in a speech that he thought the government had a vested interest in the education of its citizenship. I would agree, but only in a very qualified way. A nation can only survive and prosper if its citizens have a solid understanding of and faithful obedience to God’s laws (Deuteronomy 28: 1-2, 15). But the actual education of the populace is not a responsibility of government, but of parents as stated above. The government needs to get out of the education business and leave that to parents. The government needs to provide a safe environment for Christian parents to fulfill their God-mandates responsibilities.

The problem with the government’s public school system is that because of its stated commitment to pluralism, no one religion is recognized to have pre-eminence over any other. This means that in the government’s eyes, all religions are supposed to be equally true, which has the net effect of affirming that no religion is true because they all have contradictory truth statements. However, as has been increasingly evident, the public school system is tolerant of just about any religion other than Christianity, and this is because Christ claims to be Lord of all (Matthew 29:18) and the Scriptures claim to be the only infallible word of God (2 Timothy 3:16).

8. Would you say it is sin for Christians to place their children in government schools?

While the Bible doesn’t state anywhere explicitly that students are not to be instructed in government schools, the Bible emphatically requires that children are to receive a 24/7 education with the Triune God at it’s center (Deuteronomy 6:4-7). The Bible also says to the one who knows to do what is right, but does not do it, to him it is sin (James 4:17), and that whatever is not from faith is sin (Romans 14:23). It seems inconsistent for Christians, who say that they are committed to obeying the Bible, to have their children trained in a system that denies the Lordship of Jesus Christ as the government’s public school system does, and then assert that they are doing so in faith, especially when they read in Scripture that the education children are to receive is to be all-encompassing and centered on God’s word.

The argument that many Christian parents give that they are sending their children to be “salt and light” in the government’s public school system doesn’t hold water. Most children have neither the training nor the moral fiber to be “salt and light” in such a spiritually antagonistic environment. These parents are simply abdicating their God-given responsibility to raise up their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord by giving their children over to be educated by a system that at best considers Christ irrelevant, and at worst denies His sovereign authority over all creation (Matthew 28:18).

If a Christian parent were to ask a public school teacher in his classroom to explain the basis upon which he asserts that 2+2 equals 4, the teacher would more than likely respond that “it just does.” How can this be consistent in a universe created by chance where every event is only a chemical reaction and in which there is supposedly no ultimate truth? The public school system, by its very nature (which is agnostic at best), is unable to answer any of the ultimate questions that men ask and that a good education should answer, such as “Who am I and why am I here?”

9. How would somebody go about starting a classical, Christian school based on the trivium model in their community?

I would encourage them to obtain a copy of the ACCS School Start-Up Notebook from ACCS, and read it carefully. It contains a lot of helpful information from men who have been directly involved in starting classical Christian schools themselves. The Start-Up Notebook is available on the ACCS website at, under the tab labeled “Start a School.”


It’s a sad day in Muddville.  The Mighty Mitt struck out.

Following the 2012 election evangelicals are snarling at one another.  “You have the blood of the innocents on your hands!” says one side.  “You supported a heretic!” says the other.

Different people had different strategies to “stop Obama.” Some stayed home.  Others only voted on local candidates and issues.  Still others voted for a third party candidate.  Others voted for snake oil.  What will it take to bring evangelicals together?  The confusion masks a deeper problem, or which Barack Obama is only a symptom.

Myth: Four more years of an Obama presidency will destroy America.

It is not an Obama presidency that is destroying America.  It is the fabric from which Obama is cut.  It has been with us for decades.  It has led us “progressively” down the spiral toward perdition.  Romney is cut from the same cloth.

Both men have been influenced and aided by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), created in 1922.  The chief architect was Edward Mandel House.  The chief end was world peace through domination of world Government.  Its membership consists of Democrats and Republicans, labor and industrial leaders, “liberals” and “conservatives,” and various other so-called antagonists.

In American politics, the phrase, “May the best man win!” is a call for the most ruthless and cunning to take control and implement their agenda—perhaps to be tossed under the bus when he has served their purpose.  At present, it’s a win-win situation for the “progressives.”

MythBusters primary conclusion is this:  Both candidates were selling snake oil to perpetuate the status quo, much the same as John Tetzel sold indulgences to aggrandize the Papal power of the 16th Century.   It was CFR “A Team” versus CFR “B Team.”  The Tetzel’s of the world distract us from the only real solution (see below).

How did “the greatest country in the world” ever get into this predicament?  The Enlightenment battle against the divine right of kings has been successful, but at a terrible cost.  Mankind has traded it for the divine right of the people.  They rejected “Vox Rex, Vox Deo” and embraced “Vox populi, Vox  Deo.”  In both cases, we are led by the whims of man, be it one or many—I the king or we the people.  Neither is the voice of God.  The neglected alternative is  “Vox Scriptura, Vox Deo.”   It is our only hope.

The Enlightenment mindset can be traced much further back — not for decades, not for centuries, but for millennia–back to the Tower of Babel mindset.  There men first presumptuously imagined themselves the arbiters of their own destiny.  This is the soil from which our modern-day Obamas and Romney’s ultimately spring.

Digressing even further back into prehistory, we find ourselves in the loins of Adam, defying Yahweh face to face.  No wonder we’re in trouble!  God’s law was simple in Eden.  Do anything your heart desires except eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.  The Creator determines that, not you or me.

That one act of disobedience unraveled all subsequent history.  It gave us expulsion from Paradise, the first murder and many thereafter, defiance and confusion at Babel, Chattel slavery and misery in Egypt, unthankfulness for deliverance, idolatry, blasphemy, Greed, theft, adultery, revolution, tyranny, and people looking for relief in all the wrong places.

Case Closed: Romney was not the panacea to the “Obama problem.”  Had he won, then we would have the “Romney problem.”  Sinful man is the problem, and he has an uncanny way of digging himself in ever deeper when he tries to become the captain of his own soul.  We are admonished by a merciful God to “trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

The way back up is through faith in Jesus Christ and repentance toward God.  We need to repent of our personal sins and our national sins.   In practical terms this means calling on our culture to turn back to the civil laws of Yahweh and away from the whims of men.  We must call on all men everywhere to recognize the crown rights of our risen and reigning Savior.  Let us delight to walk in obedience to Him.  Let build Christ’s kingdom in defiance of carnal empire building and let the world know that none of us are wiser than He whose kingdom rules over all.  This is the vision that will unite evangelicals in America and around the world.

What Christians think about the culmination of history is very important.  Do we expect things to get worse and worse until the kingdom of Anti-Christ is fully revealed (Futurism)?  Or do we expect things to get better and better until the kingdom of Christ is fully revealed (Preterism)?

Self-fulfilling prophecies are very powerful.  It all hinges on whether or not we believe the Great Tribulation is in the past or in the future.  If you are a Futurist the thought that the Great Tribulation was in the past probably strikes you as absurd.  But is it?

MythBusters accepted the case and during the course of our investigation identified five questions that aren’t being answered by the Futurism school of prophetic interpretation in its current configuration.  We found a recurring pattern of futurism accepting the Tribulation myth a priori, then searching for Bible verses that seem to support it.   They also tended to be influenced more by the negative influence of current events than the promises of victory that appear in the prophetic literature.

Myth:  Things are going to get worse and worse until the Anti-Christ is revealed in the midst of a Great Tribulation.

A review of the literature found at least five questions that are either being ignored by futurism or that are forcing them to depart from the literal interpretation they so fervently endorse.  At the same time, they aren’t  recognizing figurative or poetic language that is easily interpreted in light of Old Testament idioms.  For example, Israel represented by sun, moon and stars in Joseph’s dream.

1) The key question that can not be ignored is related to the time marker in Matthew 24:34 where Jesus said that it was His contemporaries who would see the termination of national Israel (Mt 24:29) accompanied by The Great Tribulation (Mt 24:21).

Truly I say to you, This generation will not pass away until all these things take place.

Generation means “a multitude of contemporaries.”  That is the literal, plain, and natural interpretation.  Some preterists pointed out that is the obvious meaning of “this generation” everywhere else it is mentioned in the New Testament, including Matthew 23: 36, just a little bit earlier in the discourse.  Why would it mean something different in Matthew 24:34, we asked ourselves?  Had Jesus meant some future generation wouldn’t He have used the word “that” rather than “this.”

Q1:  So, the really big question is, If Jesus said flat out that the Great Tribulation was going to occur in His generation, by what authority does the Futurist contradict the words of Christ and declare that it will occur in some future generation?

2) Related to this is the identification of the Beast. We reasoned that if John told the Christians to whom he first sent his letter of Revelation to “count the number of the Beast” (Rev. 13:18) then the Beast had to be somebody alive in the first Century whose number John’s first readers could count.

Q2:  So the second question is “if the Beast was somebody that John’s primary audience could recognize in the first century, how can the Beast possibly be somebody who would appear centuries later during a Great Tribulation that Jesus told us also occurred in the first century?”

3) In addition, at the beginning and the end of the Book of the Revelation John told his primary audience that the prophecies of Revelation would be fulfilled “shortly” (1:1), “near” (1:3; 22:10), and “quickly” (22:20).  The only 1st Century event we could find answering to these time indicators was the Great Tribulation that occurred during the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.  This was Christ coming in judgment on the Jewish nation.  The Christians were warned to flee to the mountains as soon as they saw the Roman legions approaching, and history records that they did.

Taking their cue from the Futurists, skeptics like Bertrand Russell also missed the point.  In “Why I Am Not A Christian”, he said one reason for his unbelief was Jesus mistaken belief that His second coming would occur within a generation. He wrote:

For one thing, He certainly thought that His second coming would occur in clouds of glory before the death of all the people who were living at that time. There are a great many texts that prove that and there are a lot of places where it is quite clear that He believed that His coming would happen during the lifetime of many then living.

Because of this, the futurist view, with its many failed predictions, contributes to the unbelief of many.  One researcher counted over 1,000 false predictions of the anti-Christ during 2,000+ years of church  history.  If you push these events into the future, then you either have to ignore Matthew 24:34, distort it, or agree with CS Lewis that Matthew 24:34 is “the most embarrassing verse in the Bible.”

Q3:  So a third question is by what authority does Futurism contradict the Words of the Apostle and conclude that the events described in Revelation are going to occur hundreds and thousands of years in the future?


Here’s Another Question

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4) The 96 A.D. dating of Revelation is based on one obscure historical reference that clearly does not comport with the Bible. In Revelation 11:2 John is given a rod and told to measure the temple of God, so it is impossible for the Revelation to have been written after the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. Reliable estimates place the date at 66 A.D, just prior to the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

Q4:  Fourth, why does Futurism date the writing of Revelation at 96 A.D in contradiction to the Biblical evidence?

5) In describing Nebuchadnezzar’s image, Daniel 2:42 records that the feet and toes made of iron mixed with clay was a characteristic of the original 4th kingdom — NOT an imaginary “Revived Roman Empire” which does not appear in the text. That would require that the toes be cut off and cast 2000+ years into the future or stretched out over the whole page as one artist portrayed it.

Rome was crushed by the stone which was Christ “in the days of those kings” at His first coming, death, resurrection, ascension, and inaugural procession to receive the kingdom (Dan 7:13,14). That stone (kingdom) is now growing to become a mountain that will fill the whole earth. Likewise, the gospels compare the kingdom to a mustard seed that grows and gradually fills the whole earth following the first coming of Christ.

Q5:  Thus, a fifth question is, “If Jesus was given “dominion, glory and a kingdom” at his ascension and coronation procession (Dan. 7:13,14) and told His disciples “all power on heaven and earth has been given unto Me” (Mt 28:19,20) by what authority does the Futurist push His kingdom off into the distant future?

Case Closed:   This MythBusters’ investigation identified five questions that cannot be answered on the presuppositions of Futurism.  The Futurist writers have no apparent grounds for dating the Great Tribulation in the future without violating the very words of Christ Himself, the words of the apostles and the laws of logic.

The question of college is a pressing concern for most high school students:  to go, or not to go, that is the question.  Inevitably they come face to face with one of the most persistent myths in American education today.  Don’t miss “The College Conspiracy”  documentary at the Biblical Concourse of Home Universities.  It will save you tens of thousands of dollars.

Myth:  A four-year college education is the ticket to success in life.

To address this myth, we prevailed on the talents of free-lance writer, Robert Wimer.  Mr. Wimer is the President of “Desire A Difference,” a business consultant from Trenton, Missouri.  His passion is to help individuals, groups / organizations and small businesses leverage technology that will get their voice heard in the online and offline world, as well as helping people create proper mindsets that allow them to not only acquire more wealth, but keep it.


The Myth About Education, Success & Wealth

By Robert Wimer

On a wonderful spring day long ago, I had a toothache, and it was terrible. Like most people, I disliked going to the dentist for obvious reasons, but when you have to go, you have to bite the bullet. When I got to the waiting room, Dr. Doe (name omitted) got me in right away. I sat in the chair with the paper napkin on my chest and a bright light in my mouth awaiting the king of pain.

Dentists invariably talk to their patients when they have a whole mess of machinery and metal in your mouth, but amazingly they can understand every word that comes out, even when you speak only in vowels. He asked me what kind of work I was doing.

“Well, I’m going to get my certification, so I can work on computers.”

He knew that I dropped out of college, so the questions were invariably set up to guide me in a verbal corner so he could dispense his brand of logic & wisdom.

“Now Bob…(I was at the age where I was being called “Bob”)…you’ve got to go to college, get your degree so you can get a real job. This cer-ti-fi-ca-tion business is just plain silly.”

You got to understand that when you are depending on a person to alleviate your pain, and when he’s holding a drill with shaky hands near your mouth, you have to bite your tongue and listen.

For thirty minutes, I listened to his pretentious wisdom and to this day I don’t know which was more painful, the root canal, or his ignorance. In the end, I was grateful for his skills…skills that could have only been acquired by going to a university. He cured my ills, but another set in soon after, the ill of ignorance, not on my part, but his. The idea that education and attending school are synonymous.

Depending on the path you choose in life, you will have to avail yourself of the resources of a higher education. Universities have resources, contacts, labs, and educators that can’t be found anywhere else, but if you want to make money work for you…to acquire true wealth, education is paramount, but not a college degree.

Within my lifetime, I’ve seen the requirements of students elevate just to get an average paying job. A high school diploma was all that was needed 50 years ago, then it was a college degree, then your masters, then a doctorate, and now, you have to have and continue to have extra hours on top of your decades of education. You have to stop and look at the grand scheme of your life… you want an education, to learn how to make money, and lots of it, work for you, or do you want a piece of paper to hang on your wall?

Unfortunately, in this world, 95 percent of people go the tradition route of what they call success… hard, go to school, get good grades, get a good job that has good pay, benefits, retirement, and save. This is what is taught in schools and in society, but the cold hard fact is that to make great wealth, you have to take risks, work smart, make your own opportunities, and never stop learning. Many students stop their education after the degree or the attainment of a few letters after their name. Getting a degree does not mean instant success, but it can mean instant mediocrity.

If you want to find a nice 5 to 6 figure job with great benefits, a spectacular retirement plan and work for a company that will show you no loyalty for all the years of dedication and education that you have invested, please, work hard, go to school, get good grades, look for a good job that has great pay, benefits, retirement, and save, in other words, be a slave to money and the antiquated ideal. If you want to learn how to make money work for you, take risks, make your own opportunities, start your own company, or better yet, own one, always be in a process of learning about everything, including money, and never let an old man tell you that what you are doing is just plain silly.

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